Saturday, June 14, 2008

When I was little, if I could make someone laugh, it was a little slice of heaven. I didn't always know WHY they were laughing, but it didn't matter. If I did something silly, or pulled a funny face, or even if I attempted to tell a joke, I was glad to be funny. So, of course, once I got that response, I would attempt to tell the joke again and again (usually to the same people) or try to be silly in the same way, only to have my brother, Hap, tell me that, "It's only funny once!" Huh? If you thought it was funny the first time, why wouldn't the same exact thing make you laugh if I did it again? I just didn't get it. In fact, it would be YEARS (and close to adulthood) before I really understood what that phrase meant. I heard it so often, it became one of those "sayings" that your family says like, "It's better than a sharp stick in your eye.." that you don't really get, but that you know it means you're supposed to be grateful for something. I knew that it meant that I wasn't supposed to keep trying to be funny, but I didn't know WHY? Now, I think that that phrase will be my epitaph. That is, unless there really IS such a thing as re-incarnation.

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